Report a Violation

If you believe there has been an ethical or policy violation at MSU, you can always contact the Office of Compliance and Risk Management directly at  (662) 325-5839

Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Assault, or Sexual Harassment

MSU's Safeline

To Speak with a Confidential Counselor about a sexual assault

(662) 325-3333

Title IX/EO Coordinator

(662) 325-8124

Safety Concerns in Laboratories or Work Areas

Environmental Health and Safety

(662) 325-3254

Fraud or the
Misuse of Public Funds or Property

Office of Internal Audit

(662) 325-7353

Discrimination Based on Gender, Race, National Origin, or Other Protected Class

Title IX/EO Coordinator

(662) 325-8124

Work Environment, Work Conditions, or Conduct of Co-Workers or Supervisors

Office of Human Resources Management

(662) 325-3713

Academic Misconduct

Office of the Dean of Students

(662) 325-3611

Conflicts of Interest

Office of Compliance and Integrity

(662) 325-5839

Office of Procurement and Contracts

(662) 325-2550

A Disability or An Accommodation for a Disability

Office of Compliance and Integrity

(662) 325-5839

Office of Human Resources Management

(662) 325-3713

Student Support Services

(662) 325-3335

Campus Matters Not Specifically Addressed Here

Office of Compliance and Integrity

(662) 325-5839

Office of Human Resources Management

(662) 325-3713

Office of the Dean of Students

(662) 325-3611

Office of Internal Audit

(662) 325-7353

Research Funds or Conduct of Research

Office of Research Compliance

(662) 325-3294

NCAA Rules and Regulations

Athletic Department - Compliance

(662) 325-0245

Reporting Anonymously