General Information
Mississippi State is committed to its efforts to provide and maintain a safe and secure environment for all individuals participating in its programs and activities. Because additional measures may be required to promote the safety of minors, and because MSU sponsors and/or hosts numerous programs, camps, and activities involving minors, MSU has put into place a Minor Protection Policy that governs the conduct of such programs. The Office of Compliance and Risk Management (“OCRM”) is charged with providing training and assistance to organizations conducting programs within the scope of the policy.
- Minor Protection Policy
- Implementing Procedures
- On-line Registration Portal
- On-line Registration Portal Instructions
- 4H Volunteer Compliance Tracking Instructions
Checklist for Camp/Program Coordinators
Register your program with OCRM using the on-line portal located at Instructions on how to use the on-line portal can be found at On-line Registration Portal Instructions.
If your program is determined to be a Covered Program, based upon screening questions in the portal, you will submit all required information through the on-line portal.
Once your information is submitted, you must monitor your program’s compliance status using the on-line portal. It is your responsibility to see that (1) all Authorized Adults are identified in the on-line portal; (2) All Authorized Adults have a completed background check within 3 years of the commencement of the program; and (3) all Authorized Adults complete the required training prior to the commencement of the program.
Background Checks: For Authorized Adults who are being hired specifically to work the camp, there must be a signed authorization included in the paperwork sent to Human Resources Management for processing. For all other Authorized Adults (this includes current MSU employees without a recent check, volunteers, and student workers who are not completing new hire paperwork), OCRM will determine whether a check is required and, if so, will initiate a request with Truescreen for the report. The Authorized Adult will receive an e-mail from application station at Truescreen with instructions on how to complete the background check process. These authorizations must be completed in advance of the program in order to allow time for processing.
Required Training: All Authorized Adults are required to complete the Working With Minors training module. This training is available on-line through the portal. At the conclusion of this training, the Authorized Adult will acknowledge completion of the training and will also acknowledge other facts related to crimes against children. This training and acknowledgment must be completed through the on-line portal and prior to the commencement of the program. Compliance with this requirement will be updated in the portal upon completion of both the training and the acknowledgment.
Update the on-line portal as necessary to reflect staffing changes.
Familiarize yourself with all requirements of the Minor Protection Policy and Implementing Procedures.
Checklist for 4H Programs ONLY
Each County must enter all Volunteers into the on-line portal. Instructions on how to set up your county and volunteers in the portal can be found at 4H Volunteer Compliance Tracking Instructions.
Once your county is set up, OCRM will confirm the volunteer’s compliance status with respect to the background check and the required Working with Minors Training. The compliance status will be available for review on the portal.
The person responsible for each individual 4H program must (1) confirm that all volunteers working the event are in compliance; (2) obtain a sign-in sheet or other record of the volunteers working the event; and (3) provide that record of volunteers to the County Agent.
Each County Agent must develop a procedure for maintaining these volunteer records in a manner that can be access and reviewed in the event it is necessary to review. These records shall be maintained for a period not less than 15 years.
The process for identifying and registering volunteers will be done on a calendar basis. Volunteers may be added at any time during the calendar year.
Required Addendum for External Groups
Any third party using MSU facilities for the purpose of running a camp or other program involving minor participants that would be a Covered Program if operated by MSU shall be required to execute the Protection of Minors Addendum to the Facility Use Agreement. This Addendum shall be completed with the Facilities Use Agreement and maintained with that Agreement.
The training required by the policy must be completed either in a live session or through the on-line portal. Questions about training should be sent to
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the activity in which I am involved subject to the Minor Protection Policy?
The determination of whether an activity is a Covered Program will be made on the basis of the specific facts associated with the program or activity. The Minor Protection Policy identifies certain types of activities that would not ordinarily be considered Covered Programs, but all activities in which minors are participants should submit the information regarding the program using the on-line portal. -
Must the training required by the Minor Protection Policy be completed every year?
Yes. The training requirement is to be completed annually, regardless of whether the individual participated in a Covered Program previously. -
Am I required to have a background examination to participate in a Covered Program?
Background examinations are required for all Authorized Adults. The background check must be completed within 3 years of the commencement of the Covered Program and must be completed in accordance with the Implementing Procedures. -
How do I complete the required background examination? Who is responsible for the cost of the background examination?
MSU has contracted with TrueScreen Inc. to conduct the required background examinations. The cost of the background examination may be borne by MSU, by the Covered Program, or by the individual Authorized Adult, depending on the nature of the Authorized Adult's relationship with MSU. Additional information regarding the costs associated with the background check should be directed to the OCRMor the Program Director of the Covered Program. -
How often must background examinations be completed on those Authorized Adults involved with Covered Programs?
Background examinations must be completed every three years. -
Are volunteers subject to the training and background check requirements of the Minor Protection Policy?
Yes. All Authorized Adults must complete the training and background examination requirements. -
Are students working with Covered Programs required to complete the background examination and training requirements?
Yes. All Authorized Adults must complete the training and background examination requirements. -
What if I have questions about whether I need to report suspected child abuse or neglect?
Any questions regarding your obligation to report suspected child abuse or neglect should be directed to the Office of General Counsel or OCRM. Any uncertainty in deciding to report suspected abuse or neglect should be resolved in favor of making a good faith report of the information you possess. The report should be made in accordance with applicable state law and the Minor Protection Policy. -
Where can I go for assistance with the required forms and waiverI am required to maintain for my Covered Program?
You should visit to access a Template Waiver for Minors, an Emergency Medical Consent Form, and a Photo/Video Media Release Form. Additional information about waivers can be obtained from the Office of General Counsel.
Additional Information
For questions concerning the application of the Minor Protection Policy to a program or activity or if you have questions about the requirements of the Minor Protection Policy, please contact Joy Graves at (662) 325-2786 or at